Desnudo Fitness: Billy Dunn


How old are you, where are you from?
I’m 20 years old, From New York
What is your heritage/ethnic background?
My father is African American and his family is from Thompson Georgia. and my mother is white, and her family is from England.
What is your morning routine?
I wake up around 7am brush my teeth, have oatmeal, then workout. After a shower, I start my work. 

What do you usually eat on an average day at work?

I’ve been trying to cut back on meat and increase the amount of veggies. I usually have oatmeal for breakfast, salad for lunch, and some kind of vegan bowl for dinner.

What’s your favorite cheat day meal or snack?

I love rice pudding. If I could have any dessert for the rest of my life it would be rice pudding. 

How long do you usually work out for?

I have a workout-plan, so I’ll usually follow that. It goes something like: 10 minute dynamic warmup, 30 minute peloton, then lifting for 45 minutes. 

Who do you look up to the most? Who is your biggest influence and why?

I look up to my dad the most. He has always had my back no matter what path I’ve gone in. He is definitely the most knowledgeable person I know, and somebody I want to be like someday. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Honestly I have no idea where I see myself and 5 years.  I’ve always wanted to work in the front office of an NFL team, so I hope to be somewhere in that field. However I love modeling and want to really pursue it. 

What health advice you were ever given and would pass on to others?

Health advice I would pass on to other is to prioritize exercise. It’s great for the mind, body and soul. Even if it’s dancing for 30 minutes, try to be active in some capacity every day, and do something you love.